The Doorkeepers

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Julia Winward has been missing for nearly a year. When her mutilated body is discovered in the Thames, her brother Josh travels to London from America, determined to find out what happened to her during that lost time. But nothing Josh discovers makes any sense and he soon unearths a terrible secret. Julia had been working for a company that shut down sixty years ago, and living at an address that hadn't existed since World War II.

His investigation leads him to Ella, an eccentric young woman whose psychic abilities plunge them into a nightmarish alternate reality filled with unspeakable horror.

First published in 2001, The Doorkeepers is a thriller of horrifying dimensions that will keep you gripped until the last page.

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31 მიმოხილვა

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Graham Masterton (born 1946, Edinburgh) is a British horror author. Originally editor of Mayfair and the British edition of Penthouse, Graham Masterton's first novel The Manitou was released in 1976. This novel was adapted in 1978 for the film The Manitou.

Further works garnered critical acclaim, including a Special Edgar award by the Mystery Writers of America for Charnel House and a Silver Medal by the West Coast Review of Books for Mirror. He is also the only non-French winner of the prestigious Prix Julia Verlanger for his novel Family Portrait, an imaginative reworking of the Oscar Wilde novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Masterton's novels often contain visceral sex and horror. In addition to his novels, Masterton has written a number of sex instruction books, including How To Drive Your Man Wild In Bed and Wild Sex for New Lovers.

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