The Douche Journals: The Definitive Account of One Man's Genius, Volume 1

· Harper Collins
14 водгукаў
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Before Jess was the new girl, there was Nick, Winston, Schmidt . . . and The Douchebag Jar.

Originally devised to do nothing more than alter Schmidt's wardrobe, hairstyle, and personality, the Douchebag Jar has become an apartment-wide phenomenon, forever changing the way douche-like behavior is viewed, policed, and penalized.

Compiled and annotated by Schmidt himself, The Douche Journals catalogs the jar's first years in existence. Every jar-worthy outfit, faux pas, and innuendo is captured exquisitely and for all time, transporting fans and scholars alike into the inner orbit of a master douche at the height of his powers. Comprehensive, unflinching, and fully illustrated, The Douche Journals delves deep into the annals of douchery.

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14 водгукаў

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