The Drawing Bible

· 판매자: Penguin
리뷰 1개
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eBook 정보

This is your complete guide to drawing--packed with everything you need to know about materials, techniques and drawing styles. Learn the secrets of rendering any subject correctly and creatively in an amazing array of mediums from pencil to full color. Quickly find the answers to common problems and questions so you can get back to the drawing board. The Drawing Bible is a handy, one-stop reference that beginners and experience artists simply can't be without!

Learn How To:

   • Master essential line and tone techniques
   • Use proper perspective and proportions
   • Create everything from quick sketches to impressive finished drawings
   • Draw graphite, charcoal, pen and ink, colored pencil, pastel, and more

평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 1개

저자 정보

Craig Nelson has been a professional artist for more than 30 years. He has worked for recording companies and motion picture studios, is collected by James Garner, Neil Simon, Toyota Corporation and many more; and has won hundreds of awards. He is Director of Fine Art, Drawing and Painting at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco and is currently a signature member of the California Art Club, American Society of Portrait Artists and Baywood Artists. He teaches workshops that attract students from all over the United States and is the author of 60 Minutes to Better Painting: Sharpen Your Skills in Oil and Acrylic. He has several art instruction videos with Creative Catalyst Productions. Visit his website at Nelson lives in Santa Rosa, California.

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