The Driftwood Promise

Sea Glass Cove Sách 2 · Suzanne O'Connell
2 bài đánh giá
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Words would never be enough. He had to prove it.

From a young age, Erin McKinney has been taught that there’s only one man she can rely on—her older brother. The rest just aren’t worth the trouble. The one time she opened her heart and took a chance, the man reaffirmed her belief that it’s safer to be alone. It’s lonely, though, and living vicariously through her brother’s happiness isn’t doing the trick anymore.

Gideon St. Cloud might be the man to show her that good men still exist. He certainly made quite an impression the last time he was in town.

Returning to Sea Glass Cove to cool off in the middle of a heated custody battle for his son, Gideon knows he should ignore his curiosity about Erin, but he can’t get her out of his head. Quiet and reserved, she is a world away from his flaky ex-girlfriend and could be exactly what he wants in a woman. But she’s wary.

In the shelter of her driftwood forts, he’ll find out why she distrusts men… and discover how he can prove he isn’t like the men who hurt her.

Don't miss the first book in the Sea Glass Cove series, The Abalone Shell—now available!

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2 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Suzie O'Connell is a USA Today bestselling author and is best known for the Northstar romances.
Though she is a self-professed mountain-loving nerd, she has a fair amount of salt water in her veins, courtesy of her "salty dog" grandfather, and once in a while, she gets to craving the crashing ocean surf. It was during one of these episodes that the Sea Glass Cove series was conceived.
Suzie has been writing stories for as long as she can remember, and it shouldn't come as any surprise that her first story, written (and illustrated) way back in second grade, was about the mouse who went to the sea.
When she isn't writing, you'll probably find her in the mountains with a camera in hand and enjoying the beauty of Montana with her husband Mark, their daughter Maddie, and their golden retrievers Reilly and Angus. You might even find her--on her rare trips to the coast--getting in touch with her inner pirate. Just kidding. Sort of.

Find out more about Suzie and her books at

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