The Electric Sword-Swallowers

· Hachette UK
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

Delilah was beautiful. Delilah was sexy. And Delilah was to blame for all of Ferdie Foxlee's problems. She had let him down at the crucial moment by falling apart. Literally. And in pieces.

Her right eye popped, dangling on multicoloured cables. Her right breast spun around and flew off into the distance. As her fuses blew, her smile melted in a blaze of sparks.

As an expert in ectoplasmic electronic creations, Ferdie had clearly failed. But eepee experts - even one like Ferdie - are in very high demand. So when he panicked and ran, he ran into the waiting arms of the underworld...

O autorovi

Kenneth Bulmer (1921 - 2005)

Henry Kenneth Bulmer was born in London in 1921. He was a prolific author, writing over 160 novels under a bewildering array of pen names, and including adventure, historical and western novels, as well as TV tie-ins in addition to his prodigious science fiction output. He died in 2005.

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