The Enchanted Files: Hatched

· The Enchanted Files Knjiga 2 · Prodaje izdavač: Random House Books for Young Readers
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Introducing the second book in the The Enchanted Files! Told in diary entries and more, it's a new magical, modern-day comedy series by the master of funny fantasy and bestselling author of My Teacher is an Alien: Bruce Coville!
Meet Gerald. Gerald is a griffin—a creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. According to the Code of the Griffins, that means he should be:
1. Brave and fierce in all situations!
2. A guardian of a great treasure!
3. Completely and totally hidden from the human realm!
But what if a Griffin ISN’T brave or fierce? What if he’s NEVER found a great treasure (or ANY treasure for that matter)? What if he feels like such an embarrassment that the only thing left to do is run away? And what if the only place no one will look for him is . . . the human world?
This laugh-out-loud adventure, full of humor and heart, is ideal for fans of Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library or Chris Grabenstein.

"Hilarious. Middle-grade readers will be carried along by the buoyancy of the writing, the skillful design, and the humor on almost every page. Egg-ceptionally funny!"—Kirkus Reviews

"Coville brings his signature wit and humor to this fantasy story. This second installment adds authentic and engaging, multidimensional characters to a strong series that finds heroes in outcasts." –School Library Journal

Praise for Enchanted Files Book 1, Cursed:
* “Smart, amusing, and a lot of fun” Booklist, Starred
“With magic, mischief, and mayhem to spare, this sweet story of an unlikely friendship ought to delight readers of any age.” —Publishers Weekly
“A knee-slapper.”Kirkus Reviews

O autoru

BRUCE COVILLE is the author of 101 books for children and young adults, including the international bestseller My Teacher Is an Alien and the wildly popular Unicorn Chronicles series. He has been a teacher, a toymaker, a magazine editor, a gravedigger, and a cookware salesman. He is also the founder of Full Cast Audio. Bruce lives in Syracuse, New York, with his wife, author and illustrator Katherine Coville. Visit him at

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