The Essential Sampler Quilt Book: 40 Techniques for Machine and Hand Patchwork

· David and Charles
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Two bestselling books—The Sampler Quilt Book and The New Sampler Quilt Book—in one volume, from the award-winning expert.

Master a range of patchwork and quilting techniques while sewing classic block designs, such as Mariner’s Compass, Rail Fence, Monkey Wrench, Celtic Knot, Attic Windows, Tumbling Blocks, Drunkard’s Path, Seminole, Bargello, Maple Leaf, Dresden Plate and Courthouse Steps.

Hand and machine techniques—Make the quilt blocks using a range of techniques, including hand piecing, machine piecing, applique, strip patchwork, hand stitching, English patchwork, American patchwork and paper piecing. Color illustrations guide you through each step, making even the most complicated techniques easy to follow.

Using fabrics—There are forty-five quilt designs included to inspire you as you choose your own fabric patterns and handy tips for choosing the best colors for each block design. Select the best wadding (batting) for your quilt and prepare the fabrics for sewing by washing and ironing them first.

Making your quilt—Learn how to finish the blocks with framing and sashing to adjust the size. Discover hand quilting and machine quilting techniques, including quilting in the ditch and free machine quilting. Then join the blocks together to create a gorgeous quilt, adding borders and binding.

Muallif haqida

Lynne Edwards is a trusted 'brand' within the quilt world, loved for her friendly approach and reliable authority. Her previous books have consistently sold well, and in recognition of her contribution to arts and crafts she was awarded an MBE in December 2007. Lynne teaches regular quilt-making classes all over the world.

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