The Farseekers: The Obernewtyn Chronicles 2

· Verkoop deur Random House Books for Young Readers
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in the two years since its takeover of Obernewtyn, the secret community of Misfits has flourished. Protected by their remoteness, Elspeth Gordie and her allies have worked hard to develop their forbidden mental abilities—all in preparation for their inevitable confrontation with the totalitarian Council. And though their training is far from complete, the Misfits can no longer stay hidden when they learn of the existence of a new Talent—one whose power may eclipse anything they have seen before.

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Isobelle Carmody is among the biggest names in Australian fantasy writing. The Gathering was a joint winner of the 1993 Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Award and the 1994 Children’s Literature Peace Prize. Billy Thunder and the Night Gate (reprinted by Random House Children's Books as Night Gate in 2005) was shortlisted for the Patricia Wrightson Prize for Children’s Literature in the 2001 New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards. The author lives in Apollo Bay, Australia, and Prague, Czech Republic.

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