The Fathomless Caves: Book Six of the Witches of Eileanan

· Witches of Eileanan 6-кітап · Сатушысы: Penguin
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In Eileanan, victory has finally been won, and those of faery kind—from the mighty dragons to the mysterious nyx—have sworn their friendship and aid. Only the sea-dwelling Fairgean have refused to sign the Pact of Peace. Driven by ancient hatreds, they have devoted themselves to destroying all who dwell upon the land.
Troubled by the darkness that may lie ahead, Lachlan agrees to release his beloved Iseult from the sacred oath that binds them together. It will then be for Iseult to decide whether she will remain in the mountains to resume life with her own kin, or return to the man who let her go.
To help bring peace to Eileanan, Iseult’s flame-haired twin, Isabeau, must also face her most difficult challenge yet. But before she can prove herself worthy of both the scar of the Soul-Sage and the ring of the sorceress, she must first find a way to heal her own wounded spirit.

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2 пікір

Авторы туралы

Kate Forsyth was born in Sydney, Australia, in 1966, and wanted to be a writer from the time she first learned to read. She has worked as a journalist and magazine editor, and is an internationally published poet. To help support herself while writing full time, she works as a freelance journalist. Ms. Forsyth has a doctorate of creative arts in fairy-tale studies, and is also an accredited performance storyteller with the Australian Storytelling Guild. She lives in Sydney with her best friend, who also happens to be her husband, and her children.

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