Max Harrison's life in the small town of Ellery takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with Finn. As a dedicated volunteer firefighter and assistant to the mayor, Max is thrust into a perilous situation when Finn fearlessly risks his life to save a town drunk from a burning building. Now, Max is determined to go to any lengths necessary to ensure Finn's safety.
From the moment Max becomes Finn's rescuer, an intense and magnetic attraction binds them together. Yet, their burgeoning romance is overshadowed by the realization that the fire was deliberately set. Someone is targeting Finn, and Max will do anything to keep him safe.
As Max fights to keep Finn alive and protect their town from the looming threat, their bond deepens, and love takes hold. However, with danger lurking at their doorstep, Finn's survival hangs in the balance, and Max has to put everything on the line.
RJ Scott is the author of the over one hundred published novels and discovered romance in books at a very young age. She realized that if there wasn’t romance on the page, she could create it in her head, and is a lifelong writer.
She lives and works out of her home in the beautiful English countryside, spends her spare time reading, watching films, and enjoying time with her family.
The last time she had a week’s break from writing she didn't like it one little bit and has yet to meet a bottle of wine she couldn’t defeat.