The Firefighters of Darling Bay Boxed Set: Books 1-4

· HGA Publishing
93 водгукі
Электронная кніга

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Four full firefighter romances, together for one fireproof price!

From international bestseller Rachael Herron (and real-life fire dispatcher), comes a series too delightful to put down:

Blaze, Burn, Flame and Heat. The Firefighters of Darling Bay don’t even know they’re searching for flames of their own. By falling in love with four-alarm women, will they all rescue their own hearts?

This heartwarming, hilarious, and red-hot contemporary romance will leave you wishing for a marina view (and a hot fireman or three) of your very own. 

This is not a drill! Playing with fire has never been this fun! Buy Now!

Ацэнкі і агляды

93 водгукі

Звесткі пра аўтара

Rachael Herron is the bestselling author of the novels The Ones Who Matter Most, Splinters of Light, and Pack Up the Moon (Penguin), the five-book Cypress Hollow series, and the memoir, A Life in Stitches (Chronicle). She received her MFA in writing from Mills College, Oakland. She teaches writing extension workshops at both UC Berkeley and Stanford and is a proud member of the NaNoWriMo Writer’s Board. She’s a New Zealand citizen as well as an American.

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