The Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality

· Predajca: Ballantine Books
10 recenzií
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The groundbreaking first-person account of successful recovery from dissociative identity disorder, now featuring a new preface by the author

When Joan Frances Casey, a married twenty-six-year-old graduate student, “awoke” on the ledge of a building ready to jump, it wasn’t the first time she couldn’t explain her whereabouts. Soon after, Lynn Wilson, an experienced psychiatric social worker, diagnosed Joan with multiple personality disorder. She prescribed a radical program of reparenting therapy to individually treat her patient’s twenty-four separate personalities. As Lynn came to know Joan’s distinct selves—Josie, the self-destructive toddler; Rusty, the motherless boy; Renee, the people pleaser—she uncovered a pattern of emotional and physical abuse that had nearly consumed a remarkable young woman.
Praise for The Flock

“A testimony to [Casey’s] courage and the dedication of her therapist, who believed that a profoundly fragmented self has the capacity to heal within a loving therapeutic relationship.”The New York Times Book Review
“Absolutely mesmerizing . . . the first coherent autobiographical study of its kind.”The Detroit News
“A compelling psychological odyssey offering unique insights into a nightmare world.”Kirkus Reviews
“Extraordinary . . . deftly told and studded with striking images.”Publishers Weekly

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