The Footprints of God: A Novel

· Sotuvchi: Simon and Schuster
41 ta sharh
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This "alarming, believable, and utterly consuming" (bestselling author Dan Brown) thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of the Natchez Burning trilogy and the Penn Cage series explores the terrifying possibility that the next phase of human evolution may not be human at all...

Trinity. The government's top-secret supercomputer is an intelligence beyond comprehension—and a nightmare beyond humanity's worst fears. At the heart of a maelstrom of limitless science and ruthless ambition, Dr. David Tennant, Project Trinity's ethicist, harbors a lethal secret: he knows who murdered a fellow scientist. Fleeing for his life alongside psychiatrist Rachel Weiss, the only hope for survival lies in revealing the shocking connection between Trinity's apocalyptic power and David's tortured mind. Mankind's future hangs in the balance—and the price of failure is extinction.

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41 ta sharh

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Greg Iles was born in 1960 in Germany, where his father ran the US Embassy medical clinic during the height of the Cold War. After graduating from the University of Mississippi in 1983, he performed for several years with the rock band Frankly Scarlet and is a member of the lit-rock group The Rock Bottom Remainders. He is the author of sixteen New York Times bestselling novels and known for his Penn Cage series, the latest of which is Southern Man. He lives in Natchez, Mississippi.

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