The Fred Chappell Reader

· St. Martin's Griffin ээс худалдаалагдав
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Fred Chappell is one of our most brilliant and versatile authors, with many novels, short stories, and volumes of poetry to his credit. This anthology bears witness to the scope of his career: a rich body of narrative and lyrical fictions ranging over history, mythology, science, philosophy, and Chappell's own life. He has been recognized as a storyteller "to put on the shelf with Mark Twain, William Faulkner, and Eudora Welty" (The Washington Post). The Fred Chappell Reader is full of stories, including a complete novel, Dagon; substantial portions of four other novels; several short stories (two of which are previously uncollected); and poems culled from his books, an achievement for which Chappell shared (with John Ashbery) the prestigious Bolligen Prize in 1985.

Here is an important and thoroughly rewarding selection of work by a major American writer.

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Fred Chappell is the author of more than twenty books of poetry and fiction. His books include the novel Farewell, I'm Bound to Leave you (Picador USA) and Spring Garden: New and Selected Poems (Louisiana State University Press). He was a judge for the 1997 National Book Award for Poetry and his writing has received many major prizes, including the Bollingen Prize in Poetry from Yale University (shared with John Ashbery), the Ingersoll Foundation's T.S. Eliot Award, the Aiken/Taylor Award from the University of the South, and the Award in Literature from the National Institute of Arts and Letters. He teaches at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro, where he lives with his wife, Susan.

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