The Freelancer

· PIE: Perception Is Everything

Podrobnosti o e‑knize

Annie’s new temp, Ryan, with the fascinating ass ... and mind, is great at his job, even on his first day; but, he’s driving her to distraction and she can’t get anything done!

When Annie works late and alone, to catch up on work, gorgeous Ryan returns in order to show her what he’s really freelancing in; loving Annie.

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O autorovi

Neale Sourna ( is an award-winning author / publisher - screenwriter - game story narrative writer based in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, who "backed" into novel writing with self-prescribed short story exercises to work out ideas for TV scripts and feature screenplays. Neale's first published work was "Hesitation" for PLAYGIRL, May 2002. NS also edits and designs (ebook and book covers plus interior layouts) of the character-driven stories published through PIE: Perception Is Everything ( Neale is a member of the Writer's Guild of America - West (WGA-w)'s Video Game Caucus.

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Nainstalujte si aplikaci Knihy Google Play pro AndroidiPad/iPhone. Aplikace se automaticky synchronizuje s vaším účtem a umožní vám číst v režimu online nebo offline, ať jste kdekoliv.
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