The Fresco

· Hachette UK
5 समीक्षाएं

इस ई-बुक के बारे में जानकारी

Benita Alvarez, a downtrodden Hispanic woman, is chosen by alien envoys to be the Intermediary in their bid to get humankind to join an interstellar federation of peaceable races who practise Neighbourliness and strive to live ethical and moral lives.

But other alien races have their own plans for the verdant, over-populated planet and they have chosen their own contact: a down-and-dirty government Senator. They don't want mankind to join the Federation, though: they just want hunting rights of Earth . . . hunting rights on man . . .

रेटिंग और समीक्षाएं

5 समीक्षाएं

लेखक के बारे में

Sheri S. Tepper is the author of several resoundingly acclaimed novels, including THE MARGARETS and GIBBON'S DECLINE AND FALL both shortlisted for the ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD, A PLAGUE OF ANGELS, SIDESHOW and BEAUTY, which was voted BEST FANTASY NOVEL OF THE YEAR by readers of LOCUS. She is one of the few writers to have titles in both the SF and Fantasy Masterworks lists.

पठन जानकारी

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