The Friessens Books 22 - 24

· The Friessen Legacy 9-р ном · Lorhainne Eckhart
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This boxed set collection in The Friessen Legacy Series includes Books 22 - 24.

YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING: Up and coming hockey rookie Michael Friessen has everything going for him: a future few could hope for, parents who are his everything… He doesn’t want anything more until one weekend before he secures a spot with the Canucks, when he wakes up with a ring on his finger and the hottest, sexiest blonde sound asleep beside him.

He tries to tell himself it was a mistake, that he isn’t looking for a relationship, and despite everything about her, including the night he’s still trying to remember, he’s determined not to fall for her. But the closer they get, the deeper he falls—until he learns that the night they met may not have been accidental.

ANYTHING FOR YOU: Cat and Xander have been living together for years and for Cat it’s everything she wants until an unexpected complication changes everything in this couple's relationship.

But for Xander having Cat means she comes with her very opinionated and interfering father Neil who is always sticking his nose into their relationship. Only this time it isn’t Xander Neil will be butting heads with when Cat refuses to marry Xander, but his very stubborn daughter whose somehow believes that marriage isn’t for her. How far will Xander have to go to convince Cat that marrying him isn’t the worst idea ever?

THE HOMECOMING: Catch up with your favorite family, the Friessens, as four generations come together for what they anticipate to be a fun-filled weekend with babies and children, loads of love, and laughter. You can expect all the drama of young love, from the secrets to the hidden truths in a seemingly perfect marriage.

However, one fateful moment changes everything in this unforgettable story. When three lives are put in danger, the fallout could ultimately shatter the deep love and trust in this family, dividing them forever—and the cost could be something far greater than any of them could have imagined.

Bonus Novella - WHEN THEY WERE YOUNG: Do you want to know more about Brad, Neil, Jed and Robbie Davis? When They Were Young is a novella about Brad, Neil, Jed, Robbie and both Gary Davis and Rodney Friessen and find out what really happened when they were young.

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With flawed strong characters, characters you can relate to, New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Lorhainne Eckhart writes the kind of books she wants to read. She is frequently a Top 100 bestselling author in multiple genres, and her second book ever published, The Forgotten Child, is no exception. With close to 900 reviews on Amazon, translated into German and French, this book was such a hit that the long running Friessen Family series was born. Now with over sixty titles and multiple series under her belt her big family romance series are loved by fans worldwide. A recipient of the 2013, 2015 and 2016 Readers’ Favorite Award for Suspense and Romance, Lorhainne lives on the sunny west-coast Gulf Island of Salt Spring Island, is the mother of three, her oldest has autism and she is an advocate for never giving up on your dreams. 

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