The Gardener of Man: Artilect War Book Two

· Artilect War 2. liburua · Glory Box Press
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We thought we knew the truth of our creation. We didn’t.

After a showdown with their enemies, the Program Omega cyborgs followed the signal calling them home. They wanted answers, but the truth wasn't what they expected.

And neither are they.

As ghosts of the past rise from the dead, a devastating attack threatens both the cyborg’s lives and their fragile new partnerships. Everyone has secrets—the cyborgs, their creators, their rivals...even their new ally, Fane, whose secret is the most dangerous of all. Yet, he might just be their key to victory.

And to Ailith, something more.

But the truth is darker than they ever imagined and once it’s exposed, they again find themselves fighting for survival and the future of the human race.

Much of humankind believed we were the enemy. I’m starting to think they were right.

The Gardener of Man is the second book in the Artilect War series—fast-paced, dystopian science fiction for those who love artilects, cyborgs, and heroines!

Egileari buruz

 A.W. Cross is a former scientist and agriculturalist-turned-author and blogger. She’s had a passion for all things science fiction ever since she fell in love with Leonard Nimoy at the ripe old age of 12. She currently resides in Canada, where it’s too damn cold.

Follow her on Twitter (@aw_cross), or visit her website at

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