The Gathering Storm

· The Paladin Chronicles 3-р ном · Neil Port
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Bumper edition! Three sections for the price of one! 
Jacinta has been badly injured in her fight with a daimôn. It seems she will have to give up her dream of being a warrior. A group of young women desperately need her help, but how can she help them when she can't help herself? 
The elves and their allies have a period of peace, but it is an illusion. There is a great storm building far to the East. 
The Hun are coming for the last elves of Anatole and the Transkaukasos in numbers too great to comprehend. The evil wizard Æloðulf lives and when the hordes come they will be backed by the darkest magic of all. 
While Philippos is dead the Makedónes are now led by Aléxandros, his even more dangerous son. 
The elves are fewer and far weaker than they were when they faced the last barbarian horde. They will face war on multiple fronts leading up to the final desperate defence of Elgard. 
The last is a battle they cannot truly win. Will this be the end of the elves and all that stand with them? 

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

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Зохиогчийн тухай

 Since I was ten I wanted to be a writer,and in my early years I wrote stories for fun. In any idle moment my mind would automatically start making up plots and stories. As I got older, this was combined with a love of science and a fascination for the experience of others which lead me to a medical career with specialisation in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. I have now retired to write and play bad golf.

I am married with three adult children and three grandchildren.

The Paladin Chronicles were born on a trip to Turkey. I researched the background meticulously to make them as realistic as possible despite being fiction .They are designed to be hard to put down and fun to read.

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