The Girl in Alfred Hitchcock's Shower

· विक्रेता: Penguin
2 समीक्षाएं

इस ई-बुक के बारे में जानकारी

Marli Renfro was Janet Leigh's body double in the Hitchcock classic Psycho. When she disappeared, it was believed she was the victim of a serial killer. It was a mystery that took decades to solve-and a crime that could only have happened in Hollywood.

रेटिंग और समीक्षाएं

2 समीक्षाएं

लेखक के बारे में

Robert Graysmith is the New York Times bestselling author of several true crime novels including Zodiac, Zodiac Unmasked, Auto Focus, and Amerithrax. The major motion pictures Zodiac and Auto Focus are based on his books. A San Francisco Chronicle political cartoonist and artist for fifteen years, he lives in San Francisco.

इस ई-बुक को रेटिंग दें

हमें अपनी राय बताएं.

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