The Guitar Three-Chord Songbook - Volume 2 G-C-D: Melody/Lyrics/Chords

· Hal Leonard Corporation
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(Guitar Collection). All you need is three chords and this songbook to play 50 great songs! Includes: Already Gone * Big Yellow Taxi * Blue Suede Shoes * Boot Scootin' Boogie * Folsom Prison Blues * Free Fallin' * The Gambler * I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry * Jackson * Leaving on a Jet Plane * Me and Bobby McGee * Old Time Rock & Roll * Route 66 * She Don't Know She's Beautiful * When You Say Nothing at All * Your Mama Don't Dance * and more.

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Founded in 1947, Hal Leonard LLC has become the worlds largest source of music performance and instructional materials, with a catalog of over a million products in both physical and digital form. They represent many of the greatest songwriters and artists of all time and publish and distribute works from all genres of music for all styles of musicians and ensembles.

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