The Handbook of Children, Media, and Development

· Прадавец: John Wiley & Sons
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The Handbook of Children, Media and Development brings together an interdisciplinary group of experts in the fields of developmental psychology, developmental science, communication, and medicine to provide an authoritative, comprehensive look at the empirical research on media and media policies within the field.

  • 25 newly-commissioned essays bring new research to the forefront, especially on digital media, developmental research, and public policy debates
  • Includes helpful introductions to each section, a theoretical overview of the field, and a final chapter that offers a vision of future research
  • Contributors include key, international authorities in the field

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Sandra L. Calvert, the Director of the Children’s Digital Media Center, is a Professor of Psychology at Georgetown University. A fellow of the American Psychological Association, she has consulted for Nickelodeon Online, Sesame Workplace, Blue's Clues, and Sega of America, to influence the development of children's television programs, Internet software, and video games. She is author of Children's Journeys through the Information Age (1999), and co-editor of Children in the Digital Age: Influences of Electronic Media on Development (2002).

Barbara J. Wilson is a Professor and Head of the Department of Speech Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is co-author of Children, Adolescents, and the Media (2002) and three book volumes of the National Television Violence Study (1997-1998).

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