The High-Society Wife

· Harlequin
3 iritzi
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A convenient wife hopes to win the heart of her billionaire husband in this sexy international romance from a USA Today–bestselling author.

Gianna and Franco Giancarlo had gone into their society marriage of convenience with their eyes wide open. They acted the happy couple to create an alliance between their powerful, wealthy families—and dispel media gossip. . . .

A year later, things have changed: their marriage may not be real, but Franco’s passion for his wife is . . . and Gianna has fallen in love with her husband! But will Franco ever feel more than desire for her?

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3 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Helen Bianchin was encouraged by a friend to write her own romance novel and she hasn’t stopped writing since! Helen’s interests include a love of reading, going to the movies, and watching selected television programs. She also enjoys catching up with friends, usually over a long lunch! A lover of animals, especially cats, she owns two beautiful Birmans. Helen lives in Australia with her husband. Their three children and six grandchildren live close by.

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