The Highlander's Reluctant Bride

Highland Mates Кніга 1 ·
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Love’s challenge yields sweet rewards…

Caitlin Graham’s a lowland lass, living with her uncle. She, her sister, and her brother were orphaned at a young age and Uncle Jamie graciously took them in. When her uncle tells her she’s caught the eye of a highland laird at a wedding feast a few weeks back she agrees to secure her uncle’s position with the highland tribes by taking the laird’s hand.

Connor McArthur’s land’s been stolen by a highland scoundrel who’s a distant relative, thereby relegating Connor to live among the hills, biding his time when he can get the lands and title back. He’s heard rumor of a dowry wagon to be provided to the thieving bastard who’s stolen his lands. Connor gathers his men and captures the wagon, but what’s he to do with the fiery lass who is traveling with the dowry?

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