The Hope of Refuge: Book 1 in the Ada's House Amish Romance Series

· An Ada's House Novel መጽሐፍ 1 · በWaterBrook የተሸጠ
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

The first book in the Ada's House series, The Hope of Refuge is a moving story of love, hope, and new beginnings from New York Times bestselling author Cindy Woodsmall.

The widowed mother of a little girl, Cara Moore is struggling against poverty, fear, and a relentless stalker. When her stalker ransacks her home, Cara and her daughter, Lori, flee New York City for an Amish community, eager for a fresh start. But she discovers that long-held secrets about her family history ripple beneath the surface of Dry Lake, Pennsylvania, and it’s no place for an outsider. One Amish man, Ephraim Mast, dares to fulfill the command he believes that he received from God—“Be me to her”—despite how it threatens his way of life. While Ephraim tries to do what he believes is right, will he be shunned and lose everything, including the guarded single mother who simply longs for a better life?

A complete opposite of the hard, untrusting Cara, Ephraim’s sister Deborah also finds her dreams crumbling when the man she has pledged to build a life with begins withdrawing from Deborah and his community, including his mother, Ada Stoltzfus. Can the run-down house that Ada envisions transforming unite them toward a common purpose—or will it push Mahlon away forever?

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CINDY WOODSMALL is a New York Times and CBA best-selling author of eighteen works of fiction and a non-fiction book. Coverage of Cindy's writing has been featured on ABC Nightline and the front page of the Wall Street Journal. She lives outside Atlanta with her husband, just a short distance from her two sons and grandchildren.

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