The Horror in the Museum: A Novel

· በDel Rey የተሸጠ
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

“H. P. Lovecraft has yet to be surpassed as the twentieth century’s greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale.”—Stephen King

Some tales in this collection were inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, others he revised, two he co-authored–but all bear the mark of the master of primordial terror.

The Horror in the Museum: Locked up for the night, a man will discover the difference between waxen grotesqueries and the real thing.

The Electric Executioner: Aboard a train, a traveler must match wits with a murderous madman.

The Trap: This mirror wants a great deal more than your reflection.

The Ghost-Eater: In an ancient woodland, the past comes to life with a bone-crunching vengeance.

And twenty more stories of unspeakable evil! 

“Lovecraft’s fiction is one of the cornerstones of modern horror.”—Clive Barker

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Almost completely ignored by the mainstream press during his lifetime, H. P. Lovecraft has since come to be recognized as one of the greatest writers of classic horror, on a par with Edgar Allan Poe, Lovecraft's mentor. H. P. Lovecraft's work has been translated into more than a dozen languages, his tales adapted for film, television, and comic books, and he has been the subject of more scholarly study than any other writer of horror fiction save Poe.

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