The Inner Voice of Love: A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom

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A classic, personal work of self-examination from the bestselling author of The Return of the Prodigal Son, hailed as “one of the world’s greatest spiritual writers” by Christianity Today

This is Henri Nouwen’s secret journal. It was written during the most difficult period of his life, when he suddenly lost his self-esteem, his energy to live and work, his sense of being loved—even his hope in God. Although he experienced excruciating anguish and despair, he was still able to keep a journal in which he wrote a daily spiritual imperative to himself that emerged from his conversations with friends and supporters.
For more than eight years, Nouwen felt that his journal was too raw and private to share with others. Instead, he published The Return of the Prodigal Son to express some of the insights gained during his mental and spiritual crisis. But then friends asked him, “Why keep your anguish hidden from the many people who have been nurtured by your writing? Wouldn’t it be a consolation to know about the fierce inner battle that lies underneath your spiritual insights?”
For the countless men and women who live through the pain of broken relationships or suffer from the loss of a loved one, this book about the inner voice of love offers new courage, new hope, and even new life.




Henri J.M. Nouwen was a Catholic priest who taught at several theological institutes and universities in his home country of the Netherlands and in the United States. He shared the final years of his life with people with mental and physical disabilities at the L'Arche Daybreak Community in Toronto, Canada. He died in 1996. He authored many books on the spiritual life, including Reaching Out, The Wounded Healer, and The Return of the Prodigal Son.




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