The Islamic Journal |04|: From Islamic Civilisation To The Heart Of Islam, Ihsan, Human Perfection.

· The Islamic Journal 第 4 冊 · Sunnah Muakada


This is a Journal containing a series of related articles i have written based on research i have conducted over the past 5 or so years, for a book i have been writing about the meaning of the prophets (saws) instruction to "worship Allah as if we see him". Because this means in our lives rather than the five prayers, to worship Allah here means to know him and to know him we need to have knowledge of him, to use the story of the prophet Khidr (as) as an example, in answering this, the Journal will cover in essence what it was Al Khidr tried to teach the Prophet Musa (as) using what we know from science today about human physiology and how it gains knowledge, and ultimately How do we worship Allah as if we see him.

This is the fourth Issue of the Journal, which is written sequentially, with more to follow covering a wide range of related topics in a much deeper scope, from the history of Islamic civilisation and how it developed as a result of it’s practices to the prophets understanding of Space and the Universe and how Allah used them as an example to teach man about his self and what he is made from.

Table Of Contents

1) Man Is Always In A State Of Loss In The Universe

2) Ablution (Wudu) Is Worth Half Of Our Iman (Faith) and It’s Affects On The Unseen (Subatomic) World

3) The Role Of Wudu (Ablution) In Being Happy

4) The Spiritual Impact Of Perfecting The Self And The Importance of Spiritual Training

5) Allah Himself Is The One Who Categorised The Nafs (Self)

6) The Acupuncture Of Asia The Lataif Of Islam and Their Origin

Related Material

1) 1001 Years Of Missing Islamic Martial Arts

2) Tariqah’s Existed Among The First Generations Of Muslims (Salaf)Imam 

3) Ibn Kathir and Sufism

4) The Debate Between Ibn Ata Allah and Ibn Taymiyah On Tasawwuf

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