The Judicialization of Politics in Asia

· Routledge
Электронная кніга

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Over the last two decades courts have become major players in the political landscape in Asia. This book assesses what is driving this apparent trend toward judicialization in the region. It looks at the variations within the judicialization trend, and how these variations affect political practice and policy outcomes. The book goes on to examine how this new trend is affecting aspects of the rule of law, democratic governance and state-society relations. It investigates how the experiences in Asia add to the debate on the judicialization of politics globally; in particular how judicial behaviour in Asia differs from that in the West, and the implications of the differences on the theoretical debate.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Björn Dressel is a Senior Lecturer at the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University (ANU), Australia.

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