The Knight of Maison-Rouge: A Novel of Marie Antoinette

· გამყიდველი: Modern Library
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A major new translation of a forgotten classic

Paris, 1793, the onset of the Terror. Brave Republican Maurice rescues a mys-terious and beautiful woman from an angry mob and is unknowingly drawn into a secret Royalist plot—a plot revolving around the imprisoned Queen of France, Marie Antoinette, and her enigmatic and fearless champion, the Knight of Maison-Rouge. Full of surprising twists, breakneck adventure, conspiracies, swordplay, romance, and heroism, The Knight of Maison-Rouge is an exhilarating tale of selflessness, love, and honor under the shadow of the guillotine. Dumas here is at the very height of his powers, and with this first and only modern translation, readers can once again ride with the Knight of Maison-Rouge.

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2 მიმოხილვა

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Alexandre Dumas (1802–1870), one of the most popular writers of all time, is the author of The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Muske-teers (both available as Modern Library Paperback Classics), along with dozens of other works of every genre. His remains were recently removed to the Pantheon, the highest honor that can be bestowed on a French writer.

Julie Rose’s many translations include an acclaimed version of Racine’s Phèdre, as well as works by Paul Virilio, Jacques Rancière, Chantal Thomas, and many others. Rose was recently awarded the New South Wales Premier’s Translation Prize and the PEN medallion for translation.

Lorenzo Carcaterra is the author of Street Boys and Sleepers, among other books. He lives in New York.

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