The Lawman

· Montana Men წიგნი 1 · Bridger Media
30 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

I'm considered the most eligible bachelor in the Montana Territory.

That might seem like a good thing, but pearl-clutching mothers are eager to match me to their mild and meek daughters.None are who I want, so I send for a mail order bride.When she arrives, she meets all of my expectations. Wild and passionate. Headstrong and defiant, a complement to my role as lawman.

But my new wife is not all she seems.When I learn the truth, will my need for justice make her face the consequences of her past?

If you love cowboy romance in the style of Sophie Oak, Maisey Yates, Lorelei James and Kennedy Fox, be sure to read USAT Bestselling Author Vanessa Vale’s exciting steamy contemporary and historical book series! Cowboys, adventure, and hot romance all in one place! Over one MILLION books sold! 

Tags: cowboys, western, small town romance, contemporary, billionaire, workplace romance, medical, sport, military, new adult, paranormal romance, shifter romance, mistaken identity, secret baby, firefighter, rodeo, police, detective, mystery, romantic suspense, historical romance, American western, Montana, collections, anthologies

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30 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

A USA Today bestseller, Vanessa Vale writes tempting romance with unapologetic bad boys who don’t just fall in love, they fall hard. Her books have sold over one million copies. She lives in the American West where she's always finding inspiration for her next story. While she’s not as skilled at social media as her kids, she loves to interact with readers.

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