The Legacy of Falcon Ridge

· The McLendon Family Saga Knjiga 8 · D.L. Roan
25 recenzija
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The Wedding Countdown Begins…..

As Dani and Clay plan their happily ever after, the McLendon family prepares to say goodbye to one of their own, and pass their legacy of unconditional love to the next generation. Grab a box of tissues and some chocolate, and take one final journey to Falcon Ridge in this heartwarming and passionate conclusion of the McLendon Family Saga.

Author Note: D.L. will miss the McLendons as much as her readers. While she has other stories to tell for now, she may visit Falcon Ridge in the future, and share her journeys in additional volumes. 

The McLendon Family Saga Reading Order:

The Heart of Falcon Ridge
A McLendon Christmas
Rock Star Cowboys
Rock Star Cowboys: The Honeymoon
The Hardest Goodbyes
Return to Falcon Ridge
Forever Falcon Ridge

The Legacy of Falcon Ridge

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25 recenzija

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