The Long Shortcut

· በWaterBrook የተሸጠ

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

What’s a Friend to Do?

Sprout and Twig are late for school, so Twig ignores their teacher’s instructions and takes a shortcut. When his friend doesn’t show up in time for class, Sprout lies to their teacher about what happened. But as time passes and Twig still doesn’t come, Sprout grows worried. Should he tell the truth, even if it means his friend will get in trouble for disobeying?

This lively adventure teaches children ages 4 to 7 the importance of always telling the truth and helps them remember that rules are made for a reason.

Seeds of Faith for a Lifetime of Growth
The earliest years of childhood provide fertile soil for seeds of faith, and the captivating Seedling and Sprout series offers the perfect way to introduce toddlers and preschoolers to the God who created their wonder-filled world. Each book is artfully designed with vibrant, contemporary illustrations and communicates vital truths that nurture young faith.


Robbie de Villiers is a graphic designer whose work has earned international recognition, including two Clio Awards for excellence in advertising and nineteen International Clio nominations. Robbie has created the Seedling and Sprout series with his wife, Dianne; his daughter, Michelle de Villiers-Newton; and his son, P.J. Originally from South Africa, the de Villiers family now lives in Wilton, Connecticut

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