The Mammoth Book of Historical Whodunnits Volume 2

· Hachette UK
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An all-new collection of exciting murder-mysteries with historical settings

This new volume of historical murder and mystery contains over 20 specially commissioned stories ranging in period from Ancient Rome to the reign of Good Queen Bess. It features original stories from such masters as Steven Saylor, Peter Tremayne, Philip Gooden, Susanna Gregory, Kate Ellis, Michael Jecks, Edward D. Hoch and Marilyn Todd.

· In Steven Saylor’s Roman tale, Poppy and the Poisoned Cake, Gordianus the Finder feels his latest assignment is suspiciously easy to solve.
· Edward D. Hoch puts a novel twist on the locked-room mystery by setting it on a “locked ship” — Christopher Columbus’s, in fact!
· In Flibbertigibbet Paul Finch unleashes a deranged serial killer on Elizabethan London.
· Falstaff ’s successor Sir Johan de Mandeville turns sleuth in Keith Taylor’s Bene?t of Clergy.
· Sister Fidelma must solve the mystery of a murdered Celtic monk in Death of an Icon by Peter Tremayne.
· A pig provides the key to Michael Jecks’s latest Sir Baldwin mystery.-
· Cherith Baldry turns Geoffrey Chaucer into a secret agent in her version of The Pilgrim’s Tale.
· Anarchy and murderous intent rule when the Romans leave the British Isles in Richard Butler’s The Last Legion.
. . . plus many more tales of dark age murder and mayhem!

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Mike Ashley is the author and editor of over sixty books including the bestselling Mammoths Comic Fantasy, Seriously Comic Fantasy and Fantasy, and the crime-fiction collections The Mammoth Book of Locked Room Mysteries, The Mammoth Book of Roman Whodunnits and The Mammoth Book of Historical Whodunnits.

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