The Merry Month of May

· Open Road Media
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DIVDIVA family of intellectuals comes apart at the seams during the 1968 student revolts in Paris/divDIV
/divDIVThe Parisian student revolts of May 1968 shook the country—and the European continent—to its foundations. In a tradition-obsessed nation where the old-guard bourgeoisie had spent decades oppressing youthful unrest, every flavor of rage suddenly had a voice.  /divDIV /divDIVHill Gallagher is there—a brash young intellectual grown tired of pretending that the world doesn’t make him angry. Despite the protests of his screenwriter father, he becomes involved in the movement, joining in on protests with the fervor of a man who isn’t afraid to destroy his country—or his family./divDIV /divDIVIn The Merry Month of May, James Jones draws on his own experiences living in Paris and witnessing the 1968 revolts firsthand to create an unforgettable portrait of a society at war with itself—and torn apart by change./divDIV /divThis ebook features an illustrated biography of James Jones including rare photos from the author’s estate.

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James Jones (1921–1977) was one of the most accomplished American authors of the World War II generation. He served in the U.S. Army from 1939 to 1944, and was present at the attack on Pearl Harbor as well as the battle for Guadalcanal, where he was decorated with a purple heart and bronze star. Jones’s experiences informed his epic novels From Here to Eternity and The Thin Red Line. His other works include Some Came Running, The Pistol, Go to the Widow-Maker, The Ice-Cream Headache and Other Stories, The Merry Month of May, A Touch of Danger, Whistle, and To the End of the War—a book of previously unpublished fiction.

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