The Middle Sister: A Novel

· Прадавец: One World
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“As Kwai Chang moved through the arid desert of the American West, I would move through the equally desolate ghettos of Brooklyn, and we would each search: he for his family and I for my father. . . .”

The middle of three sisters, Pamela is a quiet, thoughtful girl with a huge hole in her life–the space her father used to fill before her mother kicked him out. Occasionally, Pamela conjures up Kwai Chang, David Carradine’s character, from the Western action series Kung Fu, to give her spiritual guidance and advice she would normally turn to her parents for. But with her father gone, her mother has fallen into a pit of confusion and mental disarray. So it is up to Pamela and her sisters, Nona and Theresa, to run the household.

When their money runs out, the family must leave their beloved East New York house and move to the projects. It is a change that will alter their lives forever–and even wise Kwai Chang cannot alter their destiny. But as Pamela discovers, “Everyone searches. The real challenge is in the finding and the keeping.”

In this powerful literary debut, vividly set in the 1970s, Bonnie Glover has written a marvelous story about a young black woman struggling to define her identity–and make her family whole.

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Bonnie Glover was born in Florence, Alabama, but grew up in the mean streets of Brooklyn's East New York, where her book The Middle Sister is set. She attended Rafael Cordero Junior High School and John Dewey High School, both in Brooklyn. She obtained a BS degree at the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University in Tallahassee, Florida, and eventually a law degree from the Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg, Florida. She currently works for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Regional Counsel. She lives in Pembroke Pines, Florida, with her husband, Craig, and two sons, Matt and Ben.

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