The Mystery of the Emeralds: Trixie Belden

· Trixie Belden පොත 14 · Random House Books for Young Readers විසින් විකුණයි
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මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

Get ready for fun, adventure, and intrigue in the iconic mystery series starring the beloved teenage girl detective, Trixie Belden!

Trixie’s on the trail of a century-old mystery! She’s headed to Williamsburg, Virginia, to find an old plantation house, Rosewood Hall, that was the home to the Sunderland family during the Civil War. Rumor has it that a cursed emerald necklace is buried in a secret passageway there. But after all that time, Rosewood Hall is just a ruin. Is it too late for Trixie to find the missing emeralds?

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කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

In the 1940s, Julie Campbell was running her own literary agency when Western Publishing put out a call for talented authors to write mystery series for kids. Julie proposed the Trixie Belden series and wrote the first six titles herself, but books seven through thirty-nine were written by a variety of writers all under the pseudonym Kathryn Kenny.

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