The Only Good German

· Hachette UK
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Maverick CIA killers are on the loose in Cold War era West Germany.
Violent sabotage and subversion is being perpetrated behind the Iron
Curtain. A right-wing terror-organisation with connections stretching back
to the Nazi era is suspected.

David Mills had long since left behind his life as an Intelligence Officer, or
so he thought. As the British and American Intelligence agencies struggle
to combat the mounting fascist threat, Mills is pulled back into the murky
world of International espionage by a figure from his past.

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Ted Allbeury was a lieutenant-colonel in the Intelligence Corps during World War II, and later a successful executive in the fields of marketing, advertising and radio. He began his writing career in the early 1970s and became well known for his espionage novels, but also published one highly-praised general novel, THE CHOICE, and a short story collection, OTHER KINDS OF TREASON. His novels have been published in twenty-three languages, including Russian. He died on 4th December 2005.

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