The Paper Marriage

· Sweet Romance Stand-alone Collection Kirja 1 · Barbara McMahon
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Miracles don’t happen to young widows in the last stages of pregnancy and working long hours to save every penny possible for when the baby arrives.  Yet that’s exactly what Lindsay Donovan believes when Luke Winters shows up late one night at the café where she works and out of the blue asks her to marry him.  

The catch?  It’s in name only.  A piece of paper makes it legal, but beyond that, it’s not a match made in heaven.  In fact, no sooner are they wed when the groom leaves the country for four months.

When he returns the charade escalates when he proposes Lindsay and her baby visit his dying grandfather with him, to show the old man Luke’s settled for the future.  Will this paper marriage implode when family dynamics take an unexpected turn?

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