The Paragon: A Powers, Masks, & Capes Novelette

· Powers, Masks and Capes Universe 2-р ном · Starlit Publishing
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Shocking Revelations by the Paragon! Centuries old secrets revealed! Hidden identities!

Learn why the Paragon was missing during the Bareyes-Masgani War. Listen to the Paragon as he relates his full thoughts on the Powers Defense Act. Get his full thoughts on the penultimate superhero on anti-Capes like the Enforcer.

You won't want to miss the first ever recorded interview by the Cape of capes!

Зохиогчийн тухай

I live in Whitehorse, am a martial artist who has been training on and off for decades. Having constantly moved, I’ve studied a bunch of styles, never gotten very good at any one style but have experience with swords, polearms and unarmed. These days, my training time has mostly gone away due to accumulated injuries and other, real world burdens.

I’m also a huge geek. I’m a former LARPer and Magic: the Gathering player, avid roleplayer, a huge board gamer and occasional video gamer. I don’t do console games – I’m too cheap to buy a console and these days, my tendinitis says no.

I started writing in early 2017 and published my first book in mid-2017 (A Healer’s Gift). Ever since that I’ve been writing and releasing books and managed to go full-time in early 2019.

I thoroughly enjoy telling people the stories that live in my head and have a wide variety of books published on Amazon and other bookstores.

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