The Penitent Priest: A Free Contemporary Small Town Amateur Sleuth Murder Mystery

· The Father Tom Mysteries 1. kniha · James R. Mathis
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Enjoy this Free Contemporary Small Town Amateur Sleuth Murder Mystery

My wife died in my arms, the victim of a nameless killer's bullet. I should have died with her. But God had other plans for me. 

Fifteen years later, I'm back where it all happened. I just want to forget, but the past won't leave me alone.

Now, I'm asking a woman who I left broken-hearted twenty years before to catch my wife's killer.

I'm Father Tom Greer, a Catholic priest, and I'm playing with fire.

The Penitent Priest is the first novel in The Father Tom Mysteries series, a contemporary small town mystery series. It features Father Tom Greer, a Catholic Priest who is also an amateur sleuth in the tradition of Father Brown. If you enjoy the works of Rhys Dylan, Andrew Mayne, and Mary Stone, you will enjoy this novel.

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106 recenzií

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Viac od autora J. R. Mathis

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