The Primary Science and Technology Encyclopedia

· Routledge


Unique in its field, The Primary Science Encyclopedia brings together in one indispensable reference volume over 250 entries covering a wide range of topics and ideas. The book provides clear descriptions, definitions and explanations of difficult scientific concepts, carefully chosen to reflect the needs of those involved in primary science education. In addition, this encyclopedia explains clearly how to teach scientific and technological ideas in a relevant and appropriate way. Extended entries are included on topics such as creativity, thinking skills and theories of learning and the book also provides insight into cross-curricular work, assessment and classroom organisation in the primary science classroom.

Compiled by authors with a wealth of experience in primary science and technology teaching, this book contains:

  • Over 250 entries;
  • Scientific definitions and pedagogical explanations;
  • Extensive commentaries of current issues in primary science;
  • A who's who of current and historical figures in the field of science and science education;
  • Annotated further reading lists.

This encyclopedia will be of interest to all teachers of 5 to 11-year-olds and anyone concerned with primary science and design and technology education.


Christopher Collier is Senior Lecturer in Primary Science at Bath Spa University and leads the BSU course for Primary Science Subject leaders.

Dan Davies is Head of Applied Research and Consultancy at Bath Spa University and founder of the Centre for Research in Early Scientific Learning.

Alan Howe has 16 years’ experience of working with trainee teachers in primary science and is Co-Programme Leader for undergraduate Education Studies at Bath Spa University.

Kendra McMahon is Senior Lecturer in Primary Science at Bath Spa University and is science coordinator for the Primary and Early Years PGCE course at BSU.




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