The Prince and the Nanny

· By Royal Appointment 4. kniha · Predajca: Harlequin
8 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

Her royal boss!

Feisty redhead Prudence Winslow is down to her last cent and cynical about finding Mr. Right, so she has sworn off men—for a year!

But then she meets Ryan Kaelan, and his delightful motherless children who need her nanny skills. Prudence takes the job, telling herself it wasn't Ryan's jaw-dropping sexiness that convinced her— or the fact that he is a real-life prince!

Will she be able to resist Ryan's royal command— to seal the deal with a kiss?

Hodnotenia a recenzie

8 recenzií

O autorovi

Cara Colter shares ten acres in British Columbia with her real life hero Rob, ten horses, a dog and a cat. She has three grown children and a grandson. Cara is a recipient of the Career Acheivement Award in the Love and Laughter category from Romantic Times BOOKreviews. Cara invites you to visit her on Facebook!

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