The Principles of Physiology Applied to the Preservation of Health, and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education

· Harper & Brothers
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"The object of the present volume is to lay before the public a plain and intelligible description of the structure and uses of some of the more important organs of the human body, and to show how information of this kind may be usefully applied both to the preservation of health and to the improvement of physical and mental education. In selecting the functions to be treated of, I have preferred to examine those which are at once most influential in their operation on the general system, and at the same time least familiarly known. Some, accordingly, whose sphere of action is comparatively subordinate, I have not even named; and to others of essential consequence in the animal economy, such as that of digestion, I have merely alluded. To include the first would have added to the difficulties of the reader, by the multiplicity of unimportant details; and to treat of the latter would have been, in a great measure, a work of supererogation, as treatises on the digestive organs are already in extensive circulation"--Préface. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved).

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