The Prom Queen (Life at Kingston High Book #3)

· Life at Kingston High መጽሐፍ 3 · Baker Books
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Megan Bernard would sell her soul to be prom queen. Okay, maybe not her soul. But her popular older sister Bethany was prom queen three years ago, and Megan is certain that the only thing that would make her truly happy would be to attain the same honor. Her mom thinks it would be pretty cool too. But when Megan decides she'll do whatever it takes to take home the crown, life gets decidedly complicated. Maybe "celebrity" isn't all it's cracked up to be after all.

Teen favorite Melody Carlson is back for one more Kingston High saga, tackling what happens when we become obsessed with position, popularity, and the lure of celebrity.

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Melody Carlson is the award-winning author of more than 200 books, including The Jerk Magnet, Never Been Kissed, and Double Take. She recently received a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award in the inspirational market for her many books, including the DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL series and Finding Alice. Melody and her husband live in Oregon.

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