The Psychic's Guide, Volume One (Revised Edition): An Introduction to Psychic Development

· Silgerond Press
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Edition, 2014) The Psychic`s Guide, Volume One: An Introduction to Psychic
Development invites the reader into the realm of the Sixth Sense and of Spirit
guides. It explains the reader how to develop their own spiritual gifts in a
safe and simple way. The first part of the book was channeled by one the
author`s Spirit guides and discusses human psychic potential, Angels, and the
Spirit world in general. Mediation, prayer and psychics are also discussed. The
second part of the book is the Beginner psychic course as taught by Sabine
Blais. It includes card, Tarot and Rune meanings, and explains the use of the
Complete with a full glossary and



"... provides a firm foundation upon which to begin a course of
study into the world of psychic gifts and practices." --Gigi Miner, Author
of Card Shark and Light-of-Day Tarot & Dream Work

"... this book is an excellent tool for everyone that wishes to connect
with spirit." --Shirley Roe, Allbooks Reviews

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Sabine Blais was born in Ottawa, Canada in 1971.  She obtained her Bachelor’s degrees in both French Literature and Philosophy at Ottawa University, between 1990 and 1995.   The author has published The Psychic’s Guide, Volume I in 2005, and has produced the Women of the Earth: Healing Oracle Deck in 2006.  She is a Karuna Reiki Master since 2006 and a certified Kundalini yoga teacher.

In 2006, the author left Canada for Buenos Aires, Argentina where she lived for five years. While there, she inadvertently channeled a new energy healing modality called Aqualead in August 2008, and began teaching it all over Argentina. She returned in Canada in 2011 in the Gatineau region, where she still teaches Aqualead, travels and writes.

In 2013, Sabine founded her own publishing enterprise as an outlet for her books and artwork, called Silgerond Press.  She paints, plays the violin and flute, and does healing work at the environmental level.

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