The Psychology of Information Security: Resolving conflicts between security compliance and human behaviour

· IT Governance Ltd
1 recenzia
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

 The Psychology of Information Security – Resolving conflicts between security compliance and human behaviour considers information security from the seemingly opposing viewpoints of security professionals and end users to find the balance between security and productivity. It provides recommendations on aligning a security programme with wider organisational objectives, successfully managing change and improving security culture‎.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

1 recenzia

O autorovi

 Leron Zinatullin ( is an experienced risk consultant specialising in cyber security strategy, management and delivery. He has led large-scale, global, high-value security transformation projects with a view to improving cost performance and supporting business strategy.

He has extensive knowledge and practical experience in solving information security, privacy and architectural issues across multiple industry sectors.

He has an MSc in information security from University College London, where he focused on the human aspects of information security. His research was related to modelling conflicts between security compliance and human behaviour.

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Informácie o dostupnosti

Smartfóny a tablety
Nainštalujte si aplikáciu Knihy Google Play pre AndroidiPad/iPhone. Automaticky sa synchronizuje s vaším účtom a umožňuje čítať online aj offline, nech už ste kdekoľvek.
Laptopy a počítače
Audioknihy zakúpené v službe Google Play môžete počúvať prostredníctvom webového prehliadača v počítači.
Čítačky elektronických kníh a ďalšie zariadenia
Ak chcete tento obsah čítať v zariadeniach využívajúcich elektronický atrament, ako sú čítačky e‑kníh Kobo, musíte stiahnuť príslušný súbor a preniesť ho do svojho zariadenia. Pri prenose súborov do podporovaných čítačiek e‑kníh postupujte podľa podrobných pokynov v centre pomoci.