The Queen's Rebel

The Tudor Court Кніга 2 · Laura Dowers
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1588. The Spanish Armada has been defeated, but Elizabeth Tudor has lost the earl of Leicester, the only man she ever loved, and there is no triumph in her heart.

But there is a young man who will bring some joy back into her life. His name is Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex and he means to step into Leicester's shoes.

But with a difference. Robert has no intention of becoming Elizabeth's slave. He has ambitions that will threaten the queen herself.

Surrounded by a generation of courtiers who are tired of worshipping an irritable old hag, Elizabeth knows they are looking forward to the day when a man sits on the throne of England.

For Robert, that day cannot come soon enough. If he cannot sit on the throne himself, then he is determined to be the power behind it, even if it means taking Elizabeth's crown by force.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Laura Dowers was born and lives in London. Her love for history was first stirred by her mother's own passion for the Tudor age, and the inspiration for writing her first novel, 'The Queen's Favourite', came from watching the classic BBC TV series 'Elizabeth R'.

Her historical interests range from British history to ancient and European history and she intends to visit many different periods in her future novels.

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