The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 07: Volume 7

· SCB Distributors
63 bài đánh giá
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Naofumi and his friends defeat the Spirit Tortoise after it rampages
across the country. They leave in search of the other missing heroes and meet Ost along the way, who says she is one of the Spirit Tortoise’s servants. She tells Naofumi that the Spirit Tortoise is still alive and that someone is pulling the strings to use the
tortoise to destroy the world! Can Naofumi protect those he loves from this new danger?

Xếp hạng và đánh giá

63 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Aneko Yusagi was born in Kanagawa. After growing interested in reading and gaming, Aneko began to write novels. Aneko wrote The Rising of the Shield Hero and began posting it online. After updating the story daily, an unprecedented amount of readers became addicted to the rapid pace of the advancing story, and the novel became an online hit. It was first collected and published by Media Factory in Japan in August of 2013. Aneko Yusagi was recently quoted saying, “I will rise and find great success in life.”

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