The River of No Return: A Novel

· Saltzailea: Penguin
14 iritzi
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Named a Notable Fiction Book of 2013 by The Washington Post

“An engrossing adventure, with mystery, romance, humor, and impeccable historical detail.” –The Boston Globe
Devon, 1815. The charming Lord Nicholas Davenant and the beguiling Julia Percy should make a perfect match.
But before their love has a chance to grow, Nicholas is presumed dead in the Napoleonic war.
Nick, however, is lost in time. Somehow he escaped certain death by leaping two hundred years forward to the present day where he finds himself in the care of a mysterious society – the Guild. Questioning the limits of the impossible, Nick is desperate to find a way back to the life he left behind. Yet with the future of time itself hanging in the balance, could it be that the girl who first captured his heart has had the answers all along? Can Nick find a way to return to her?

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14 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Bee Ridgeway is an English professor at Bryn Mawr College. She lives in Philadelphia.

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